Artigos e livros
- Bewley, J. D., Bradford, K., & Hilhorst, H. (2012). Seeds: physiology of development, germination and dormancy. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Borguetti, A. G. F. F., & FERREIRA, A. (2008). GerminaÁ„o: Do b·sico ao aplicado. Artmed Editora.
- Chazdon, R.L., Brancalion, P.H.S., Laestadius, L. et al. When is a forest a forest? Forest concepts and definitions in the era of forest and landscape restoration. Ambio (2016) 45: 538.
- Dayrell, R. L., Garcia, Q. S., Negreiros, D., Baskin, C. C., Baskin, J. M., & Silveira, F. A. (2016). Phylogeny strongly drives seed dormancy and quality in a climatically buffered hotspot for plant endemism. Annals of botany, 119(2), 267-277.
- Del Fabbro, C., G¸sewell, S., & Prati, D. (2014). Allelopathic effects of three plant invaders on germination of native species: a field study. Biological invasions, 16(5), 1035-1042.
- Donohue, K., Barua, D., Butler, C., Tisdale, T. E., Chiang, G. C., Dittmar, E., & Rubio de Casas, R. (2012). Maternal effects alter natural selection on phytochromes through seed germination. Journal of ecology, 100(3), 750-757.
- Finch-Savage, W. E., & Bassel, G. W. (2015). Seed vigour and crop establishment: extending performance beyond adaptation. Journal of experimental botany, 67(3), 567-591.
- Finch-Savage, W. E., & Footitt, S. (2012). To germinate or not to germinate: a question of dormancy relief not germination stimulation. Seed Science Research, 22(4), 243-248.
- Finch-Savage, W. E., & Footitt, S. (2015). Regulation of seed dormancy cycling in seasonal field environments. In Advances in plant dormancy (pp. 35-47). Springer, Cham.
- Footitt, S., Douterelo-Soler, I., Clay, H., & Finch-Savage, W. E. (2011). Dormancy cycling in Arabidopsis seeds is controlled by seasonally distinct hormone-signaling pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(50), 20236-20241.
- Footitt, S., Huang, Z., Clay, H. A., Mead, A., & Finch-Savage, W. E. (2013). Temperature, light and nitrate sensing coordinate A rabidopsis seed dormancy cycling, resulting in winter and summer annual phenotypes. The Plant Journal, 74(6), 1003-1015.
- Graeber, K. A. I., Nakabayashi, K., Miatton, E., LEUBNER-METZGER, G. E. R. H. A. R. D., & Soppe, W. J. (2012). Molecular mechanisms of seed dormancy. Plant, cell & environment, 35(10), 1769-1786.
- Ibrahim, E.A. (2016). Seed priming to alleviate salinity stress in germinating seeds. Journal of Plant Physiology. 192:38-46.
- JimÈnez-Alfaro, B., Silveira, F. A., Fidelis, A., Poschlod, P., & Commander, L. E. (2016). Seed germination traits can contribute better to plant community ecology. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27(3), 637-645.
- Job, C., & Bailly, C. (2013). Role of protein and mRNA oxidation in seed dormancy and germination. Frontiers in plant science, 4, 77.
- Kendall, S., & Penfield, S. (2012). Maternal and zygotic temperature signalling in the control of seed dormancy and germination. Seed Science Research, 22(S1), S23-S29.
- Kitajima, K. (1996). Ecophysiology of tropical tree seedlings. In Tropical forest plant ecophysiology (pp. 559-596). Springer, Boston, MA.
- Kranner, I., Minibayeva, F. V., Beckett, R. P., & Seal, C. E. (2010). What is stress? Concepts, definitions and applications in seed science. New Phytologist, 188(3), 655-673.
- Lambert, J. E., Hulme, P. E., & Vander Wall, S. B. (2005). Seed fate: predation, dispersal, and seedling establishment. CABI.
- Long, R. L., Gorecki, M. J., Renton, M., Scott, J. K., Colville, L., Goggin, D. E., ... & Finch-Savage, W. E. (2015). The ecophysiology of seed persistence: a mechanistic view of the journey to germination or demise. Biological Reviews, 90(1), 31-59.
- McNair, J. N., Sunkara, A., & Frobish, D. (2012). How to analyse seed germination data using statistical time-to-event analysis: non-parametric and semi-parametric methods. Seed Science Research, 22(2), 77-95.
- Miransari M., Smith D.L. (2014) Plant hormones and seed germination. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 99: 110-121.
- Paparella, S., Ara˙jo, S.S., Rossi, G. et al. Seed priming: state of the art and new perspectives Plant Cell Rep (2015) 34: 1281.
- Parsons, R. F. (2012). Incidence and ecology of very fast germination. Seed Science Research, 22(3), 161-167.
- Penfield, S. (2017). Seed dormancy and germination. Current Biology, 27(17), R874-R878.
- Perring, M. P., Standish, R. J., Price, J. N., Craig, M. D., Erickson, T. E., Ruthrof, K. X., ... & Hobbs, R. J. (2015). Advances in restoration ecology: rising to the challenges of the coming decades. Ecosphere, 6(8), 1-25.
- Rajjou, L., Duval, M., Gallardo, K., Catusse, J., Bally, J., Job, C., & Job, D. (2012). Seed germination and vigor. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 63, 507-533.
- Ranal, M. A., & Santana, D. G. D. (2006). How and why to measure the germination process?. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 29(1), 1-11.
- Ranal, M. A., Santana, D. G. D., Ferreira, W. R., & Mendes-Rodrigues, C. (2009). Calculating germination measurements and organizing spreadsheets. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 32(4), 849-855.
- Ribeiro-Oliveira, J. P., & Ranal, M. A. (2015). Sample size in studies on the germination process. Botany, 94(2), 103-115.
- Ribeiro, L. C., & Borghetti, F. (2014). Comparative effects of desiccation, heat shock and high temperatures on seed germination of savanna and forest tree species. Austral Ecology, 39(3), 267-278.
- Ritz, C., Pipper, C. B., & Streibig, J. C. (2013). Analysis of germination data from agricultural experiments. European Journal of Agronomy, 45, 1-6.
- Schmidt, L. H. (2007). Tropical forest seed. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Shu k., Liu X., Xie Q., He Z. (2016) Two Faces of One Seed: Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination. Molecular Plant. 9 (1): 34-45.
- Slik, J. F., Arroyo-RodrÌguez, V., Aiba, S. I., Alvarez-Loayza, P., Alves, L. F., Ashton, P., ... & Bernacci, L. (2015). An estimate of the number of tropical tree species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(24), 7472-7477.
- Springthorpe, V., & Penfield, S. (2015). Flowering time and seed dormancy control use external coincidence to generate life history strategy. Elife, 4, e05557.
- Steinbrecher, T., & Leubner-Metzger, G. (2016). The biomechanics of seed germination. Journal of experimental botany, 68(4), 765-783.
- Tan, L., Chen, S., Wang, T., & Dai, S. (2013). Proteomic insights into seed germination in response to environmental factors. Proteomics, 13(12-13), 1850-1870.
- Theodoulou, F. L., & Eastmond, P. J. (2012). Seed storage oil catabolism: a story of give and take. Current opinion in plant biology, 15(3), 322-328.
- Thompson, K., & Ooi, M. K. (2013). Germination and dormancy breaking: two different things. Seed Science Research, 23(1), 1-1.
- Veldman, J. W., Buisson, E., Durigan, G., Fernandes, G. W., Le Stradic, S., Mahy, G., ... & Putz, F. E. (2015). Toward an old-growth concept for grasslands, savannas, and woodlands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(3), 154-162.
- Weitbrecht, K., M¸ller, K., Leubner-Metzger, G. (2011). First off the mark: early seed germination. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(10), 3289-3309.
- Zaidan Lilian B. P., Carreira Rosana C.. Seed germination in Cerrado species. Braz. J. Plant Physiol. [Internet]. 2008 Sep [cited 2018 Nov 04] ; 20( 3 ): 167-181. Available from:
- Zappi Daniela C., Filardi Fabiana L. Ranzato, Leitman Paula, Souza VinÌcius C., Walter Bruno M.T., Pirani JosÈ R. et al . Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil. RodriguÈsia [Internet]. 2015. 66( 4): 1085-1113. Available from: